Buy Social Activist Anna Hazares one day fast in protest against the proposals of the Parliamentary standing committee on Lokpal bill at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi Pictures, Images, Photos By Chandradeep Kumar - Business & Economy pictures
  • Social Activist Anna...

Anna Hazare anti corruption activist along with Arun Jaitley BJP leader Brinda Karat CPI M leader AB Bardhan CPI leader Sharad Yadav JD U leader and others during Anna's one day fast in protest against the proposals of the Parliamentary standing committee on Lokpal bill at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi Hunger Strike Protest Politics

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SELLER India Today Group
COPYRIGHT Living Media India Limited
PHOTOGRAPHER Chandradeep Kumar
LICENCE TYPE Rights Managed
IMAGE ID 814337
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SELLER India Today Group
COPYRIGHT Living Media India Limited
PHOTOGRAPHER Chandradeep Kumar
LICENCE TYPE Rights Managed
IMAGE ID 814337

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